Monday, April 28, 2008

Neo-Earth = Fun

so i guess i get to see now where everybody is located that looks at my blog. granted i guess i'm assuming that people (i know of 1, and thats about it) actually look or read what i write :-P

sad thing tho is that having the little thing expires in a couple weeks as i'm a poor college student right now and don't really wanna pay for it (at least not quite yet). maybe once i get an actual career (i say career as i have a job right now) i'll be more inclined to pay for it. altho that's assuming i actually see that people do read what i write.

anyways enough procrastination, back to school work. only 11 more days (or so) 'til graduation!!! once again assuming i get my 3 projects completed and don't fail any of my 3 exams. but yeah, laters all

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