Thursday, May 29, 2008

busy month

i'm not very good at writing/blogging very often, eh oh well. in the last couple weeks only thing that's really happened is that this past friday i felt like a human sundae as i was covered in whip cream, chocolate, and sprinkles. before your minds get dirty, i was covered because it was my last day at work, and well that's what they like to do to you. after being there for a couple years tho, i was expecting it so i had some silly string with me just to fight back a little. fun times.

looking towards the future now, this month is going to be exciting and scary. i'll be moving back to denver (temporarily or longer depending), going to my grandparents 55th anniversary, and then traveling to Greece/Italy for a couple weeks.

the exciting part is probably pretty obvious. visiting lots of fun and/or new places, and will be able to eat heaps of gelato. what could be more exciting??? ok, well many things, but those things will have to wait until a later date.

one not so exciting thing, however, is the living out of a suitcase (or 2) worth of clothing for the next month. it really won't be so bad because well i lived out of a couple suitcases worth of stuff for 10 months while in AUS. the part i'm trying to figure out is if i can leave enough space in the bags so i can fill them with amazing things i'll find while in Europe. I've already been given a short list from a few people of things to buy, altho i'm mostly going to be looking for stuff for me :-P

the scary part though is after getting back from Europe. i'm going to have to start becoming (dare i say it? i might as well) responsible. not that i'm not a responsible person, i'm just going to have to join the working world. just hoping i find a job i like. there's loads of jobs out there, so i'm pretty sure i'll be able to find it, but that still doesn't take any of the stress away.

anyways, i have lots of people to catch up with before my move in a couple of days, not to mention packing, and a few other chores.

'til next time, laters

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

summer time desires

it finally feels like summer is here. altho it wouldn't really surprise me if somehow there was another freak snow storm in the not too distant future, as well that's rapid city for ya.

some of the things i'm looking forward to this summer (not counting my trip to Greece/Italy, as that's on a level all on its own) include:
-getting a real tan :-P
-finding a job
->and thus getting my own place, that is assuming i have some money to do so
-camping/hiking/boating or anything of the sort
-and many other things that currently aren't coming to mind

getting a place of my own i think is about the thing i'm looking forward to most, as then i'll be able to decorate it how i'd like. plus then i won't have to have everything i own be in a single room (unless i get a loft or whatnot, but then that's one big room :-P) like it all has been for the past 6 years or so. also, i'll be able to have all my clothes hanging up and such as i may have more than one closet (yes, i have that much clothes). once i do have a place of my own with everything spread around, i'm sure it will seem like i don't own anything. then again that will depend on how big of a place i end up getting, which will also most likely depend on whatever job i end up getting as well. my mind is definately getting ahead of itself.

i have been thinking about how i'd like to decorate and have seen some things i really wanted to buy but restrained myself which was really hard. what worked the best in keeping myself from buying anything is by telling myself that i already won't be able to fit everything into my car. anyways. . .the style (more or less) that i think i'm going to decorate in will be a combo of oriental and modern (if that makes any sense at all), with the main colors being dark red/maroon, black, and then some random lighter colors like orange and yellow (and possibly some green). i dunno, i have some sort of image in my mind, but also know that what i currently imagine will probably change by the time i do get a place.

and with that i'm going to hopefully find something to do that doesn't involve my computer.

Friday, May 09, 2008


finally don't with all exams, projects, etc!!!

congrats to everyone else who's done (for the semester, with college, etc).

and now time to go celebrate :-P

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

finals week stress

k, so both my "finals" are done with. really hoping i at least passed them, or else things would just suck. still have to finish 3 projects tho. all of which are relatively important. one is definitely a lot more important than the others. the one that's most important is my senior paper, which i'm pretty confident that i'll get done. the other two i'm trying to think of how much i need to do to keep the grade that i have. actually i'm probably putting more effort into that than the actual projects at the moment :-P (imagine that). i'll just blame it all on senioritis.

the only thing with that is, if by chance i don't pass all my classes this semester, that means that i wouldn't graduate. it's not that great of a fear, but still there in the back of my head.

i do have mixed feelings about the idea of finally graduating from college after 6 years of being in it. i'm excited and rather scared at the same time. i'm excited to close/end this portion of my life and to take the next step, but that's the scary part. i'm not exactly sure what the next step will consist of (many other college, or even high school grads, probably have the same feelings). i don't have a job lined up. i'm not really sure where i would want to live, or even what i want to do with my degree (meaning don't ask 'cause i have no clue). i think this is mostly scary because growing up i always had a plan of what i was going to do. the only problem was that plan ended at college. ok, well that's a bit of a lie, the plan was to graduate as an EE and get a good job, and well those that know me, know that i am not graduating as an EE.

ok, would actually like to procrastinate a bit more, but well i can't really afford to at the present since i have the 3 remaining projects to get done plus having to work later today, tomorrow, and thursday (great fun let me tell ya :-P). just gotta keep telling myself "almost there, almost there"

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Snow Day Observations

There were a couple observations i made friday during the snow day. the first was that i wondered why i hadn't procrastinate another couple days of taking my snow tires off. The other was that eventhough i had the entire day to work on homework and to get various other things done, i still only got about the same amount of stuff done that i would have if i would have had to go to class. Actually i think i may have gotten a little bit less done than i would have. I blame the internal idea all students have when they realize they have a snow day, which is "yea!! i don't have to do anything today" if only that was the case as then i'd have slightly less stuff to get done this week. eh, oh well :-P

my other observations has to due with society/rapid city culture (most likely it's just not here). i find it rather hilarious that altho the entire city (well not entire, read on) can be shut down but yet the bars and the porn shop are still open. granted the porn shop i don't think ever closes, but still, this kinda shows what is important to us as a society doesn't it? i guess there were a few restaurants that did open as well, but those were few and far inbetween. another factor i suppose is that the bars usually don't open until later in the day, and since it stopped snowing by noon and then got into the mid-40's (i think) the snow was becoming slush so it was a little less likely to get stuck, altho quite a few still managed. luckly i wasn't one of them, eventho i was parked in an unplowed parking lot (hehehe, ashley??? :-P).

so yup that means i ventured out later in the day. i started to get "cabin fever" or something similar. i just don't like being at home all that much. anyways, so first had gone to the movie theatre with some others, but sadly found out they were closed as well. so we just went back to one of their houses and watched a little bit of a movie before heading to Dublin (ya for smoke free :-P) to celebrate a friends birthday.

while at Dublin made a couple more observations. The first being that a lot of times i think someone could be my type, i then have to ask myself "are they or are they a foreigner". after talking to a friend, we concluded this was because people from other countries have a bit of a different fashion sense, and that they hold themselves differently. the other observation kinda goes back to society, and was actually made by a norwegian exchange student. he noticed that instead of studying the nights before final exams start we are all out drinking :-P this could be that everyone was tired of being stuck at home, but i'm pretty sure most of the people there would have been drinking if there wasn't a snow day.

and with that i should probably go do some studying.

Friday, May 02, 2008

class canceled due to snow, in may?!?

that's right, my last day of college classes was canceled due to snow/blizzard conditions today. was kinda excited to have a snow day, but i was also looking forward to knowing that today was my last day. oh well, what can you do right?

i am kinda curious how this is going to effect (or is it affect?) things, as lots of classes had things due today, or had exams, etc. the only things that seems logical in my mind is to delay the due dates 'til monday. not sure how the exam thing will work tho, as next week is finals week. eh, not gonna worry about it as, i'm sure the profs will send out an email saying what the plan/changes are.

and with that i'm gonna crawl back into bed, eventho i don't think i'll be able to fall back asleep, it is on the other hand warm :-P