Monday, October 20, 2008


hmmm...maybe i should check to see what i've written in past posts so i don't repeat myself, oh well :-P

moving and work

well i suppose it's about time for an update, and there's a lot to update everyone on.

the first being that i'm going to be moving from my mom's basement to sharing my aunt and uncles house with my cousins. i currently have probably 2/3 of my stuff there and the remaining stuff here (at my moms). i should probably try to have it all moved by the end of this week, but we'll see.

another big update is that i started work a week ago (the 13th). so far i like what i'm doing (more-or-less) and the environment that i work. what i do is testing the hardware and software in electronic gaming machines, as which i had to initial a line in the 17-page form that i took in on my 1st day that i "shall not gamble upon any electronic gaming device in any jurisdiction in the world". good thing i'm not really one to gamble. when i mentioned this to one of my aunts, her first response was if it mentioned anything about family being allowed to gamble, which she was relieved to hear that there wasn't.

some other things at work that i find that are rather amusing or that i just simply like:
1. my cubicle is slightly less space than my dorm room (floor space that is, but my memories could be skewed as well, either way you get the idea)
2. on mondays there are free donuts and/or bagels
3. there's free coffee, which includes regular and strong, but no decaf. (this is not helping me keep my caffeine intake low)
4. i've already been invited to 2 halloween parties, one of which is saturday and involves a party bus. (i'm wondering if i should have a different costume for each party or not).
5. there is a costume and jack-o-lantern competition at work on halloween. (which means i may need 3 diff costumes this year depending on if i decide to wear the same one to the parties).
6. i'd estimate the average age < 35
7. people play cards or board games during lunch (i actually played pinochle today with some of the supervisors/managers)
8. the dress code is business casual, but the engineers are allowed to wear jeans. (my title is test engineer so i get to wear jeans :-P)

i'm sure there's some more things, but i'm starting to get tired and i think i'm still adjusting to the 8-5 schedule and all it entails with waking up early enough to "drive" in rush hour and still make it to work on time. so for now that's it. i should have some fun stories as i discover things at work, or at the least from the halloween parties.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

An Update

just thought i should give a bit of an update for those that actually read this.

not too much has happened in the last couple of weeks. at least nothing drastic comes to mind. just been playing volleyball about 3 times a week and trying to keep myself from spending my first paycheck before i get it. i've discovered i'm not all that great at staying on a set budget, altho lucky for me i set my budget rather low so that if i do go over it i'm still (in a way) within it.

speaking of paychecks, i really can't wait to actually start work next monday. it will give me something to do with my time during the days. also the dress is business casual, but the engineers are allowed to wear jeans. i'm hoping that includes me since my title is Test Engineer :-P i still have to fully fill out a 17 page form to take in on my first day. things on the form include everywhere i've lived in the last 10 years which is rather lengthy since i basically moved twice a year. another interesting thing on it which i shouldn't have a hard time following is that as an employee of the company i won't be able to use any electronic gambling machine anywhere in the world. for all those thinking of asking/saying "so you can tell us how to win," there is no way i will jeopardize my employment and have gotten kinda tired of people asking that.

before i start working, i think i should move into my cousins (well technically it's my aunt and uncles house) place so that i don't have to move things after i get off work or during the weekends as i'm sure i'll be wanting to do other things. oh yeah, i guess that's one things that's new. my mom will be renting her house to people she knows the beginning of november because she got a new job and is moving to cheyenne. there's a lot more to that story, but that's all i'm going to say.

hmm....what else???

this weekend i'm heading to rapid city, which i find kinda strange. when i moved down i basically had no desire to ever go back. since getting the job offer tho, and it being M-day and whatnot i want to go back and see friends where this is there last semester/year. plus my aunt is happy as now she doesn't have to put her cats in a kennel as she was heading out of town this weekend.

and i think that basically brings everything up to date. i hope to have some fun stories once i start working, especially if people wear costumes at work on halloween :-P

'til then, laters