Tuesday, May 06, 2008

finals week stress

k, so both my "finals" are done with. really hoping i at least passed them, or else things would just suck. still have to finish 3 projects tho. all of which are relatively important. one is definitely a lot more important than the others. the one that's most important is my senior paper, which i'm pretty confident that i'll get done. the other two i'm trying to think of how much i need to do to keep the grade that i have. actually i'm probably putting more effort into that than the actual projects at the moment :-P (imagine that). i'll just blame it all on senioritis.

the only thing with that is, if by chance i don't pass all my classes this semester, that means that i wouldn't graduate. it's not that great of a fear, but still there in the back of my head.

i do have mixed feelings about the idea of finally graduating from college after 6 years of being in it. i'm excited and rather scared at the same time. i'm excited to close/end this portion of my life and to take the next step, but that's the scary part. i'm not exactly sure what the next step will consist of (many other college, or even high school grads, probably have the same feelings). i don't have a job lined up. i'm not really sure where i would want to live, or even what i want to do with my degree (meaning don't ask 'cause i have no clue). i think this is mostly scary because growing up i always had a plan of what i was going to do. the only problem was that plan ended at college. ok, well that's a bit of a lie, the plan was to graduate as an EE and get a good job, and well those that know me, know that i am not graduating as an EE.

ok, would actually like to procrastinate a bit more, but well i can't really afford to at the present since i have the 3 remaining projects to get done plus having to work later today, tomorrow, and thursday (great fun let me tell ya :-P). just gotta keep telling myself "almost there, almost there"

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