Thursday, May 29, 2008

busy month

i'm not very good at writing/blogging very often, eh oh well. in the last couple weeks only thing that's really happened is that this past friday i felt like a human sundae as i was covered in whip cream, chocolate, and sprinkles. before your minds get dirty, i was covered because it was my last day at work, and well that's what they like to do to you. after being there for a couple years tho, i was expecting it so i had some silly string with me just to fight back a little. fun times.

looking towards the future now, this month is going to be exciting and scary. i'll be moving back to denver (temporarily or longer depending), going to my grandparents 55th anniversary, and then traveling to Greece/Italy for a couple weeks.

the exciting part is probably pretty obvious. visiting lots of fun and/or new places, and will be able to eat heaps of gelato. what could be more exciting??? ok, well many things, but those things will have to wait until a later date.

one not so exciting thing, however, is the living out of a suitcase (or 2) worth of clothing for the next month. it really won't be so bad because well i lived out of a couple suitcases worth of stuff for 10 months while in AUS. the part i'm trying to figure out is if i can leave enough space in the bags so i can fill them with amazing things i'll find while in Europe. I've already been given a short list from a few people of things to buy, altho i'm mostly going to be looking for stuff for me :-P

the scary part though is after getting back from Europe. i'm going to have to start becoming (dare i say it? i might as well) responsible. not that i'm not a responsible person, i'm just going to have to join the working world. just hoping i find a job i like. there's loads of jobs out there, so i'm pretty sure i'll be able to find it, but that still doesn't take any of the stress away.

anyways, i have lots of people to catch up with before my move in a couple of days, not to mention packing, and a few other chores.

'til next time, laters

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