Sunday, February 24, 2008

Deal Breakers

so an old teacher, which i suppose i can now call a friend instead of 'old teacher' is looking for input for writing a song about what it is, that makes you stop and think 'yup, definately can't date you' (aka deal breakers).

there are some obvious ones that come to mind. like smoking and/or drugs, but then again i've dated someone that's done both. so in a way it wasn't really a deal breaker, but more of a boundary w/in the relationship. anyways i'm digressing.

my friend is looking for something more unique. the example she gave was hairy backs.

i haven't thought too hard on it, but i think i have figured out one deal breaker i have that i'm pretty sure i wouldn't ignore. atrocious grammar/spelling/etc. is the one deal breaker i don't think i could overlook. i'm not saying i'm all that great at it myself (ie look at what i type), but having multiple misspellings and such just make me cringe. i'm not talking about how some words get changed to make IMing or txting quicker or whatnot.

i'm gonna spend a bit more time pondering on other possible things that make me say to myself 'you're definately not dating material' to try to help my friend out to make an awesome song/lyric. anyone else have any unique deal breakers?

alright i should head to bed, so i can actually be productive tomorrow (mostly finish my advance calculus homework). 'nite

1 comment:

Ashley said...

1. An overabundance of body hair.
2. A constant need to prove himself.
3. A lack of respect for people in general with no particular reason.
4. Only wanting to hang out at bars.
5. More girly than me.