Wednesday, February 06, 2008

aaahhhh indoor soccer

i just realized that the 'aaahhhh' in the title could be taken as either a scared 'aahh' or a relaxing 'aahh'. it's suppose to be the latter.

intramural soccer has been going on for i don't know how long as has men's league indoor soccer, but i only found out about it yesterday. supposedly the people that put the teams together from the schools club team thought i had graduated last semester. granted i should have graduated by now, but it's not like i've failed classes and had to retake them. i'm gonna be graduating with 150 credits, eventho for my degree i only need 128.

anyways, back to soccer. it was fun to play again tonight eventhough we lost. the last time i had kicked a soccer ball i think was probably the last outdoor game from last semester, which i think was roughly late october or early november. i was starting to miss the miscellaneous injuries (which i have a few of now :-P) from playing. there's just something about playing hard and having evidence to prove so. at least right now i'm thinking this, tomorrow on the other hand i may be saying something completely else :-P

one thing that's always funny/weird is that whatever team i'm on, we're usually mostly defenders. supposedly defense is what wins games, but when you don't have an offense player that will shoot, it makes it a bit hard to get any goals.

oh well, i do have a shirt that says i was in intramural co-ed soccer champion and it had only taken 4yrs to get it :-P well one of those years i wasn't technically in the states, but still.

anyways, i'm gonna head to bed so i can wake up and finish my math modeling homework in the morning. so far the assignment has taken around 10hrs and it's only about 2/3rds of the way done. plus i haven't even started my advance calculus homework (luckily that's not due 'til monday). 'nite all

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