Wednesday, January 30, 2008

one of those days

so today was going good, but then a little after lunch it just turned into one of those days you just want to end. the day started off rather well, but after eating lunch and working on some advance calculus homework, little things just started to get on my nerves. there was no particular reason for this, but i just kept getting more and more pissed. even while working out in the weight room i was getting angrier, which is weird because working out is suppose to get rid of anger/agitations. at least it usually does for me.

so for the last several hours i've been trying to find things to calm my nerves. this included going to borders and getting a mocha w/ an extra shot of espresso (caffeine is my comfort food, if you can call it a food), and then went tanning (i don't go all that often, only about once a week if that). those things kinda helped a bit, but i'm pretty sure things might piss me off if i leave my house (mostly dealing w/ traffic/cars). one thing that really annoys me (and not only when i'm already kinda angry) is when people don't use their blinkers. they're there for a reason people, use them!!

anyways, i'm sure tomorrow will be better, at least i hope it will be. if not then i guess i'll need to find some other things to try and calm my nerves. any suggestions???

well can't think of much else to write, so i'm off to read, watch tv or something. ciao

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