Sunday, January 13, 2008

brand names

first i just saw i have a typo from a couple blogs ago. it's where i said something about a kitten on my lab, as it's suppose to be 'lap'. so sorry to all you english majors and such out there, i'm a math person. i try to be grammatically correct most the time (moreso when not in a blog), but sometimes i miss stuff. anyways . . .

i just thought this would be a fun topic to talk about (plus there's kinda a fun story that recently happened, well in my opinion).

now i know there are a variety of brands out there and people that do and don't like to wear them. me personally i am one of the brand name people. however, i usually only buy the clothing when it is on sale as i will not buy a t-shirt for over $15. ok every now and then i will buy something when it's not on sale. additionally whatever i buy i prefer it to not blatantly state which brand i am wearing. i don't mind if it has a little logo, but i don't want the only thing on the shirt to be the brand name which you can read from a block away. lately i do kinda feel like an american eagle model or something, but i blame that its mostly due to the fact that it's the only store in the mall of the style of clothing i like. there is the buckle, but even their sale rack is out of my price range.

in any case, here's the story. it's rather short. so i was in denver last week for a few days and on one of the days i was shopping in the mall. while i was looking in the abercrombie and finch store, the manager (at least i'm pretty sure he said he was a manager, i was only half listening) asked how often i shop there, to which i said i usually do whenever i make it down from rapid. he then asked if i wanted to work there when the semester ended, which surprised me as i thought he was probably just doing a survey or something. anyways, i felt a bit flattered, as rumor is (not sure if it's true or not) that A&F doesn't take walk in applicants for jobs, they have to ask you to work there (if someone knows for sure let me know). so to be asked to work there, to me, means that you look good :-P and that's the end of the story, bit longer than i thought it would be, but oh well.

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