Monday, November 12, 2007

long weekend --> study abroad presentation

you'd think since it was a long weekend this weekend, and that i only had to work 1 day of it that i woulda been a bit more productive and getting things done like cleaning, studying, yardwork. but nope, i haven't done any of that. well i guess i've done some cleaning, but that's only 'cause i need to see my bedroom floor (and needed clean clothes :-P)

i have started being a little productive today tho. been looking thru all my Aussie stuff as i'm gonna be giving a short presentation on studying abroad on wednesday. it's amazing how so many memories can not exactly be forgotten, but covered up by fresher memories (even if the newer ones aren't as good).

wonder how honest i'm suppose to be during it. probably want me to be fully honest. the thing is tho, that i'm letting my fear persuade me from making stuff up. i know why i went to AUS, as to my closest friends. it was a trip to learn more about me and who i am. it was meant to change my life. it was to make myself more confident.

the thing is it worked, in the greater sense. i am more confident in myself. i have learned who i am. it has changed my life (from knowing who i am more or less). i just don't know if i wanna tell a bunch of people i don't really know that i went because i had to get away from everything i knew so as to not be influenced by them. then again maybe that's what some of them would need to hear.

other things i'm not sure what to say is about what all i did when i was down there. mostly i partied. i didn't do too much touristy things as that wasn't my plan before i went there. i had wanted to live in a different culture. i coulda traveled around all of AUS with the other exchange students, but i spent the vast majority of the 10 months in Canberra hanging out with the Aussies on campus. I learned heaps of phrases, slang, and about the aussie life. the other exchange student's probably picked up some phrases and all, but i think i may have learned more and experienced the culture (at least the aussie uni student culture) better than they did. not that they didn't experience it, they experienced a diff part of the culture than i did. which in reality is good, as they went and experienced what they wanted to while i experienced what i wanted to.

wow i think i figured out what i'm gonna say. still gotta decide tho if i'm gonna be open and say what i learned about myself or not.

now if i could only figure out what else to do today instead of doing what i should be doing (aka studying/hw)

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