Wednesday, October 31, 2007


well it's halloween. almost kinda disappointing in a way. only seen a handful of people in things that could be somewhat considered costumes. granted my costume isn't all that good as i'm just wearing pj's, but it is at least something. also if you add the fact that i don't really wear pj's when i sleep (i'll leave it at that and let you think whatever you want, 'cause whatever you think you're right about 1/2 the time). now that most of you probably just said to yourself "way too much info", back to the disappointment of costumes. you'd think more college students would be interested in dressing up, unless they're waiting for 2nite.

as for me i get to go to work 2nite. kinda hoping i get done a bit early as there's a party i can go to, or just simply go downtown. if i go to the party i gotta beat the costume i had last year, which i think i can (and some of you are probably wondering what was last year, and those that do know what last years was are wondering how). to this i answer waterpolo. if i go downtown, definately will be a bit more conservative (if i even have a costume, which if i do i think might be a biker or cowboy, not sure). also know that if i do go to the party i'll be a bit self-conscience at first, but also really won't be able to drink that much as the cops will most likely be out in full force tonight. eh oh well (to the being uncomfortable at the party).

with the lack of costumes, it makes me get excited to work somewhere that people dress up, or at least attempt to. to this i am referring to my friend ashley's blog where she mentions the costumes of the people in neighboring cubicles and all (

k back to costumes and work. i get to wear one, which i'm probably gonna stay in my pj's. i had called earlier to make sure we could wear costumes again, which they said yes as long as it wasn't gorey or short skirts. bit sad on the gorey part, but told them they didn't need to worry about me wearing a short skirt as i've never had any desire to wear a dress, skirt, kilt or anything similar (and pretty sure i never will). the gorey thing tho is sad, well moreso being scary and such as in high school i kept scaring little kids when i was helping at Trick-or-Treat Street (or soemthing like that, the kids would go classroom to classroom trick-or-treating). i didn't mean to scare them, i just liked painting my face like a bloody skeleton (probably part of my morbidity).

hmmm...maybe i'll have a costume party sometime. altho then i'd have to find people that like to dress up, which could be kinda hard. to me dressing up (or dressing down, whatever) is fun 'cause you can be something you're not for a day/night/few hours, whatever. anyways time to head to class (well at least start getting the momentum to head to class). laters

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Yay! I got a recommendation!

Yeah ... I can't say much for those who don't dress up, because I'm usually one of them ... But in my defense, I've never been particularly enthused about dressing up for Halloween, even when I was younger ...

[Side story: Stuart told me to dress up as a wench for his party tonight ... Kind of a long story, but the end is that yes, someone else called me a wench, with good reason but without any knowledge that it was once a common nickname ... of sorts.]