Sunday, November 09, 2008

finally a free weekend :-) and :-(

it's finally happened, that i have an actual free weekend. there's no moving, no organizing/putting stuff away, no nothing. ok, i do have one thing i need to do today and that is to play indoor soccer, but that isn't until 10pm (so glad there's coffee and free donuts at work on mondays :-P). having a free weekend has meant that i've been able to sleep as much as i want as i don't have anything i need to do.

however, i'm not sure i really like the lack of things to do. it's making it so i have more time to think about what is going on in my life, and at the moment i don't want to be thinking about those things. i would much rather have something occupying/distracting my mind, especially because i was actually dreaming about what i would prefer to not think about.

i know it's probably better to try and solve the problems i perceive in my mind as soon as possible as opposed to later, but i just don't want to. i also know that altho i'm trying not to think about certain problems or issues i really am and it will just take time for me come to a conclusion/solution and then to become carefree again (and i don't mean the act of carefree when i'm around people).

wow, this turned into such a downer of a post when hadn't intended for it to be. such is life i guess, just have to take the bad with the good, and keep moving forward.

i will end on a much brighter note tho. like i said i do have an indoor game tonight which i'm rather excited about. am kinda scared i won't be able to move tomorrow at work since i haven't done any running since i started work, but playing again should be fun. hopefully they'll need a sub again in weeks to come. actually i'm kinda hoping that someone at my work takes the initiative and creates an indoor team that's mostly co-workers.

with that i think i'm going to go find some food, since the only thing i've had since eating friday night has been nachos from qdoba. laters all

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