Tuesday, September 09, 2008

recent realizations

so below are things that i've recently discovered:

1. i've been spelling definitely wrong for long long time (i had been spelling it as definately).

2. caffeine actually effects me now (and i'm hoping it's effects and not affects).

3. i'm not in any way, shape, or form and expert in english (especially the grammar part).

4. i have a couple shirts in my closet that i shouldn't wear out to bars and such as they give people wrong assumptions. one being my shirt that says "Single", which is pretty easy to figure out why, but i just like the shirt because i think it's funny. when i wear it, i am not advertising myself. another shirt is a "Mountain Dew" one. when i wear it, i DO NOT mean 'mount and do" me!! i wear the shirt because for 1: i used to drink a lot of mountain dew and 2: it's green and goes with my eyes :-P

5. i always enjoy places that i'm not currently living, which i'm assuming is due to the feeling of it being new and exciting (ie this past weekend i visited friends in DC and am now thinking of looking for jobs there).

6. it's fun to sneak into career fairs at different colleges :-P

7. i let what others want influence what i really want. i believe this is mostly due to the fact that i am a people pleaser.

8. i'm scared that i'll never have the guts to stand up to someone for what i firmly believe/feel. (this really isn't a recent acknowledgement, but just something i've never let known, altho some of you may have noticed i never stood up to someone before)

9. i've never really thought about the so called 'type' of people i like or whatnot. (in doing so wouldn't that be stereotyping???)

10. i'm not alone in many things i think and feel. partly from meeting people, but also from Post Secrets.

11. i unconsciously flirt with people, or maybe people think i flirt because i actually pay attention to what they say, i dunno (so would that count as a realization then???)

12. when i'm not sure about something when typing or texting i always use ??? at the end, but never use ?? or ????, it's always ???. also, if i'm using exclamations and question marks it's either !?! or ?!? depending on if i'm more excited or confused.

i'm pretty sure there are more things that i've recently realized, but nothing else is really coming to mind. oh well, not like it's all that important. at least i don't think it is because, well, this is just a blog for fun and/or to vent every now and then.

with that, i'll think i'll bring this entry to an end. laters

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