Saturday, December 15, 2007

wants in life?

read a friends blog entry, which had a question at the bottom of it, so i thought i'd respond to it. her blog is located at

what do i want from life?

to be honest i fully don't know. in general i know i wanna be happy, but i'm not sure what all exactly makes me happy.

i know that at first i was happy in high school, but towards the end i couldn't wait to get away. i know i was happy when i first got to sdsmt, but again i can't wait to get away. i was happy when i was in AUS, but things seem different when i've gone back to visit. still might be able to be happy there, but don't know for sure.

i do know that i enjoy making other people happy. i enjoy doing little things, big things, almost anything to make a person happy even at my own expense. (i've sometimes wondered tho if i truely enjoy it or if i just fear rejection if i don't make people happy).

i believe i also wanna find someone that makes me happy, but i'm not sure what qualities this person should have. lately i've actually been thinking about the qualities and i come up with a little dilemma (of sorts). is it ok to hold other people to the same standards that you hold yourself? i think i need some more thought before i answer that question. plus i really haven't answered the ? that started this blog.

i want to be able to see the world. there is so much culture everywhere that the vast majority of people never see. heck there's loads of people that are born, raised, and die all in the same place who have never seen a different 'culture' even w/in their own country. heck some don't even see a different 'culture' within their state.

i don't want to be rich, but that doesn't mean i wanna be poor either. i just want to have enough to not worry, but still have to be conscience of how much i spend.

i don't want a big house or an expensive car. those items and similar items are just ways to show off.

i want to have an affect on people, not necessarily a life changing affect, but still an affect nonetheless.

and with that i'm gonna go find something to eat.

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