Tuesday, January 02, 2007

xmas break

well imagine that i haven't blogged in ages yet again. well now it is xmas break and i have loads of time to almost do nothing. altho there is lots of stuff i want to do today before having to go into work, such as go to the post office and send a couple of gifts (yes i know i'm quite a bit late), go to best buy and spend some gift certificate money, and go to the gym to run or lift.

running, hmmm... wonder if i should make a new years resolution. i don't think i've made a new years resolution in years. guess i never see the point in making a resolution for yourself only at the beginning of the years. if there's something i think i need to do i'll make the resolution then and there.

i dunno i've also felt more of a scrooge this year than ever before. no i'm not mean to people or anything, i just don't like what all is expected around the holidays (ie a sign in a local store saying "if they're on your list, they're in your heart" or something quite similar). the sign just made me angry 'cause it's like so.... if i don't get this person something it means i don't care about them. pretty stupid if you ask me.

don't get me wrong i'm all for giving people things, but i prefer to go with just fun little things, as in little pins that say random stuff (but i tend to give these at the ends of semesters). also i just think the random things are a lot more fun. an example is the gift ashli got me, a little Stitch that came with the stuffing on the side, so i got to stuff him :-P. that was an awesome gift in my opinion eventho it wasn't very big or expensive (as far as i know) because i know i had mentioned several times to people that i wanted a Stitch. i'm pretty sure i can say that ashli's gift is better than the digital camera i got.

something else that probably made me quite a bit grumpy with gifts and all is being asked of what i want. there are a few things i wanted, but the things i want most are things that people just can't give, ie they're not materialistic at least for the most part. the things i wanted most but couldn't actually ask people for include:
1. not having to be scared of people finding out who i am (in regards to me "lifestyle" which isn't even a choice as some try to argue)
2. wanting to be more confident in myself
3. people to be accepting of other people regardless

well i'm thinking this is starting to be a book so i'll end here and who knows the next time i'll blog

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