Saturday, September 23, 2006

been a while

well, i figured that hey since i'm procrastinating on homework i might as well update the block that i've had for quite some time that only has a few entries in it. not much to say of what exactly is going on in life, but here some weird or interesting thoughts that have passed thru my mind lately:

you know you go to a technical school when the teacher says "it makes it more transparent" when talking about the clarity of a math equation.

there most like will never be a fully complete humanoid robot. this is due to how people are always acting illogical (myself included, eventhough i like to think i am very logical, i know sometimes i act illogically). therefore there can never be a robot that is completely human like because the robot would be programmed to always act logically.

guys are confusing, which is quite strange considering i am a guy, so i should understand them/us (not sure about the correct way to say that).

well that's about it for now, i kinda plan on writing more random stuff, but don't hold me to it as between going to school, working, and trying to have a social life, it doesn't leave much time for other stuff.

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