Saturday, July 26, 2008

hopeless romantic films (well sorta :-P)

so recently i've seen a couple of movies that are now hopefully at least in the mail as i thought they were so good that i bought them (thanks ashley :-P). could be that i'm a bit of a hopeless romantic, but i felt the movies were just rather touching. altho, i also have to warn you that i am by no means a film critic in any way shape or form. to me, if the movie entertains me for however long it is, then i think it was a good movie. if somehow i connect with a character(s) and the movie leaves a lasting impression, then i say the movie is amazing.

The first movie is Latter Days. I had heard some good reviews before i had watched it, and it looked like it had a pretty good story line (i'm not going to type it here, but i'm sure you could find it somewhere like imdb or youtube). the movie just kept my attention the whole time and had a very emotional ending, as in there were slight waterworks (yup i admit it :-P).

the other movie was Shelter. once again i had heard some pretty good reviews about this one, which made me curious about it. i think i may have liked this one because (to me) it more or less deals with the choices a person makes in regard to those he cares about.

basically, both movies just somehow touched me. like i said could be that i'm a hopeless romantic or that i'm just trying to figure out what i really want. either way, these 2 movies have now made their way into my collection and are in the favorite section.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

You're welcome. :)