Monday, January 28, 2008

weather, what the . . .

i hate winter. well maybe not hate, moreso just a dislike for it. actually it might not be so bad if it was more constant than it is. for example it was cold all of last week and then this past weekend it was above freezing, mid-40's to low 50's, which was awesome. however today the high was at the beginning of the day, might have been around midnight i'm not sure. i do know that when i left for school today that i thought hey, i actually could be wearing a short sleeve shirt as it was in the low 50's. now i'm wishing i brought a jacket w/ me to school as the temperature is now below freezing and it's only 3pm and tomorrow's high is only suppose to be in the mid teens.

i don't get it. is this due to global warming or ???? i'd really like to be able to figure out what kind of clothes i should have packed and which ones i shouldn't (ie summer vs. winter clothes). mostly i would just like to have a bit more space in my closet, but then if i did i would probably fill it up w/ more clothes, so maybe it's a good thing i have to keep all season of clothing readily available.

oooo and the whole global warming thing made me think of a show on discovery i saw some of (i was falling in and out of sleep). it was saying how global warming (or freezing) is a function of itself. well kinda. it was saying how white reflects the suns heat, while the dark (ie oceans) retain it, so the more ice there is the more heat is reflected making it get colder, which in turn creates more ice. also said the opposite was true (and i think is what's happening now), that the oceans retain the heat, making it warmer, which melts the ice, which makes the surface area of the earth covered in a darker color greater, thus making the earth warmer. so in a way global warming is natural, in a manner of speaking, but i'm also sure that we as humans have a bit of an influence in it as well.

and to go w/ train of thought writing some more. watched a movie called 'sunshine' (well i'm pretty sure that was the name of it). it was about our sun dying and there were a couple of missions to try to reignite it (the 1st mission had failed). it was an alright movie. missed the beginning of it where it explained why the people were flying towards the sun. i'm not sure if i'd say it's really worth renting, well maybe if its a cheap rental or whatnot as it wasn't like it was a bad movie, you just had to pay attention thru all of it, which i really wasn't doing.

anyways, i'm gonna battle the freezing weather to make it up to the gym. laters

oh and i just checked the weather again and it's now at 17 degrees, when i started typing it said 27

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