Tuesday, December 11, 2007

'tis the season for stress

who else remembers when the holidays use to be stress-free??? i barely do, think it was when i was probably about 5. alright that's a bit of an exaggeration. they probably started being stressful somewhere in high school when i started using my own money for gifts. now it's only gotten worse (from a college students view). there's the stress of trying to find the perfect gift for people while having enough money to pay for it, stress of trying to keep up w/ professors realizing they hadn't assigned enough hw during the semester to make up the amount of pts they said hw would be, and also that 3rd exam that they forgot about until the week before finals, then there's finals week itself. all this at the same time. oh and lets not forget having to work to have the money to pay for school, rent, and the assumed perfect gifts.

now i know that i'm spoiled and my stress in some of those areas is slightly less, but still people wonder why college kids are stressed.

luckily this is the last year (theoretically) that i'll have finals, holiday shopping, etc to worry about at the same time. next year it should just be my job and the shopping to worry about, here's hoping.

oooo, it is nice tho how some places try to relieve some of the stress. for example on sunday there's free 'breakfast' at 9pm, or is it 7 and ending at 9. eh either way it's free food and a way to take a break from studying and have a chance at winning some prizes.

well time to stop procrastinating, back to studying and then work.

1 comment:

Ashley said...


But I'm a little strange ... I infinitely preferred the holiday season stress over the end of spring semester stress. Probably because shopping is easier than moving, which came with spring every single year.

Good luck with finals! And have an extra pancake for me on Sunday!